Building an interactive

Working with templates

Templates are rendered using Nunjucks templating syntax. See Nunjucks’ template inheritance, tags and builtin filters for details on using the syntax to its full effect.

Template context

Data to go into the template context can come from three places: an ArchieML doc, a spreadsheet, and the meta JSON file. Each of those data sources are prefixed in the template context. So, to use an Archie key, you would write:

{{ ARCHIE.key }}

Spreadsheet keys are prefixed with DATA, and meta keys are prefixed with META. For more, take a look at server/context.js.


There is a custom filter included for rendering template context formatted in Markdown:

<!-- Render context data with markdown -->

<!-- Remove the outer paragraph tags with the strip option -->

Adding a new page

To add a new page to your interactive, use the new-page subgenerator:

$ yo politico-interactives:new-page

This will ask you to give a name for your page. You can see your new page by going to localhost:3000/my-new-page/index.html.

Responsive images

To make responsive images that load more quickly on smaller devices, drop a high-res jpg image into the src/images directory. If you have gulp running, then the image task should run automatically. If gulp isn’t running. then you can run the image task manually:

$ gulp img

This is will create four optimized images from your source at 400, 800, 1200 and 1600 pixels width.

srcset macro

You can easily include these images in your template with our custom jpg nunjucks macro.

    {{ jpg('cat', alt='A cat!') }}
    <figcaption>A pretty cat</figcaption>

Renders as:

    <img src="images/cat-1800.jpg" srcset="images/cat-400.jpg 400w, images/cat-800.jpg 800w, images/cat-1200.jpg 1200w, images/cat-1800.jpg 1800w" alt="A cat!">
    <figcaption>A pretty cat</figcaption>

Other image assets

For image assets that should not be converted using our responsive image task, such as svgs and gifs, you should save those directly in dist/images.

Data assets

For data that needs to be used on the front-end (i.e. data for a D3 chart), you should place those files in dist/data directly.

If you need to use files in src/data, such as data pulled in from gulp spreadsheet, those files will be automatically copied to dist when gulp is running. To copy files manually, run:

$ gulp data


Optionally, there is a gulp task available which allows you to use ArchieML and Google Docs to render content into your templates.

You will be asked if you want to use ArchieML when you start the generator. You can also add it to a project later by running:

$ yo politico-interactives:archie

You will need to provide the ID for the Google doc you wish to use, which you can get from the URL of your doc:


Your document must have access set at least to Anyone with the link can view to use this task.

The archie gulp task will access your Google doc and overwrite src/data/archie.json with ArchieML data. To run it:

$ gulp archie


On first running the task, you will need to authorize access to the document through Google. The task will open the authorization dialogue in your browser. Follow the prompts and then copy and paste the code returned by Google.

This access token will be saved in archie-token.json so that you can run the task subsequently without needing to re-authorize.


If you’ve added ArchieML after the project was already created, you’ll also need to add the task to your gulpfile. Simply edit it into the array of other tasks in gulpfile.js:

const gulp = require('./gulp')([
  'archie', // Add this line
  // ...


There is an optional gulp task for loading a Google Spreadsheet into JSON for use in your Nunjucks templates (or to load onto the page directly).

To set it up, run:

$ yo politico-interactives:spreadsheet

This will ask you for a spreadsheet ID. You can get that from the URL of your spreadsheet:

The spreadsheet gulp task will overwrite src/data/data.json with the data from the spreadsheet.

The conversion from spreadsheet to JSON takes each sheet and converts it to JSON using copytext’s table converter. This makes each row an object, using the first row as a header row for keys inside the JSON object.

This is customizable at a sheet level in gulp/tasks/spreadsheet.js. See the copytext docs for more information on how to customize the parsing.


If you’ve added the spreadsheet task after the project was already created, you’ll also need to add the task to your gulpfile. Simply edit it into the array of other tasks in gulpfile.js:

const gulp = require(‘./gulp’)([
‘aws’, ‘archie’, ‘build’, ‘dev’, ‘data’, ‘data-watch’, ‘dist’, ‘html’, ‘img’, ‘img-watch’, ‘spreadsheet’, // add this line
